Shipping and payment
For deliveries within Germany, we use reliable shipping options that offer you a worry-free experience. Smaller packages are sent via insured DHL package free of charge with a tracking number. Larger shipments are delivered safely with our trustworthy forwarding company Noerpel.
Note on shipping abroad
Shipping always takes place from Germany. When delivering from Germany to other countries, customs duties, taxes and fees may apply, which are not included in the basic price shown.
Delivery times
Unless otherwise stated, delivery times can be found in the corresponding product description. If you order several items at the same time, the delivery time of the entire order is always based on the item with the longest delivery time. Please note that the delivery time always starts from the date of receipt of payment.
Information about payment methods
Payment must be received by us within a maximum of 5 working days (after receiving the order confirmation by email), otherwise the order must unfortunately be canceled.